Attention!!! If you are a new blogger, or a struggling one, then you need to sit down and pay attention to this post. I think I’ll advice you to get away from distractions by either switching off your phone, if you are reading with your PC or switch off the television set to pay more attention to your phone, because I’m about to blow off you’re your mind off with the secret of blogging experience.
If you have never guest posted before, then you’ve never start blogging. Guest blogging which is also known by guest posting by many bloggers has been one of the greatest tools to all round success in blogosphere. You know why? Because it gives who ever cared to listen the right answer to blogging and which are:
1. Targeted traffic beyond your imagination
2. Increase in blog visibility
3. Make more money online
4. Good relationship with other bloggers .
The list is endless, and then what other things do you need aside from those mentioned above? I wrote this post not to persuade you to guest post, but to convince and stimulate you to guest posting action because you are missing a lot with guest posting.
One thing I’ve found out about success in life is that we need to climb the shoulder of giants in other to reach the top, which invariably means for you to get those I mentioned above as a blogger, you need giants and these giants are guest posting and a very good website with high PR on which you can show your skills.
However, few weeks back I wrote a post on 5 researches reasons why some bloggers refused to guest post. I got a guy’s comment which eventually showed me that people actually have reasons why they didn’t guest post. But today, I’ve brought to your door steps the reasons why you need to give guest blogging a trial today. Enjoy the ride!
1. Because you’ll get blog traffic beyond your imagination:
I’m sure people don’t know the reason while they need to start guest posting, but I’ll tell you. I’ve heard testimonies and read articles on how guest posting has changed their traffic status. Let’s make some calculative statistics to convince ourselves.
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Imagine you guest posting on a blog that produces 100,000 page views in a day, that has 15k subscribers, has 40k Facebook likes, and then 7k twitter followers. Jes! This is simply means your post will it’s link back to your blog will reach 15k subscribers instantly through Rss Feed, 40,000 people on Facebook will see that post on their walls, and 7k twitter people will see it.
Not to talk about how well it’ll go on search engines and the number of people that will love to share it, if it actually a quality content. Please I’m not so good at probability, Waoo! Are you seeing what I’m seeing here? Then what again are you waiting for to give guest posting a shot? Take action, pull the trigger and increase your dreamed traffic stats.
2. You build a strong Backlink:
Do you know what I learnt from Google few days back? I learnt that the more site links you have to your blog, the more your blog will rank in search engine.
Also Read: How to get to the first Page of Search Engine
Though, as it was said that backlink is not only criteria for ranking but if you have 4/10 requirement as a blogger who started blogging in less than 2 months. Then you are on the path to greatness. Therefore, when you guest post on blogs with PR like PR4 and above, you get the chance to build strong backlink.
3. Because It gives you Reputation
Harleena can give a good definition what reputation means, because she has gotten enough with her blog. In blogging career, I believe it’s reputation first, then other things second. As some people were called the comment superstar, likewise some were given the guest blogger of the year.
What do you stand for? What is your blogging style? You need to build reputation from your blog by guest posting on pro- blogs. Always had this thought that how would I feel if I guest posted on Darren browse’s blog, or john chow. Build your guest posting passion today, because it increases one’s reputation.
4.Make more money
Did someone just ask me how can I make money with my blog guest posting? In several ways you will, I love being practical,
Also Read: How to Make Money with Just a PC and Internet
So how do you make money guest posting?
1. When you guest post; you get more traffic right? Therefore your ads click increases and your impression also increase which invariably increase your revenue.
2. A very good opportunity to show your writing skills which eventually you can be hired and paid for writing. So many ways that I can’t just continue to mention. Guess I’ve not taking too much of your time, because I know you’ve actually gained a lot.
Now over to you
Reading, listening about the rudiments of success is not enough when you don’t act. You can ask any of the successful bloggers today, they acted on what they read like you’ve just did.
Therefore, a word is enough for the wise. You can now go back to watch that your programme, if you still have the chance. If you’ve gained from this post, make sure you share this with your friends and your contribution is highly welcome.
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