For you to extend your tentacles and get your products heard across a wider range then you need to work more smartly and harder. The last article I posted here, I promised to bring to your door the very steps on how you can submit your blog to Bing. From research, on November 21, 2011 to be precise, yahoo search engine merges with Bing which was popular called Hotmail Search Engine.
Check: How to Submit and Verify Your Blog On Google webmaster Tool
Bing later developed a webmaster tool like that of Google webmaster tool and once you submit you blog to Bing webmaster, then you’ve taken another greater step to getting your blog’s visibility cleared.
I need to let you know that many bloggers especially the newbies aren’t aware of this Bing webmaster. Therefore it’s a privilege for you to have come to this blog this very day.
Check: How to Submit and Verify Your Blog On Alexa
What Are You Stand to Gain When You submits Your Blog to Webmasters (Google & Bing)?
1. Well targeted traffic
2. Your blog will be visible to search engines
3. You blog get indexed in both search engines (Google & yahoo).
Today I will be sharing with you today how you can easily get your blog indexed on Bing and Yahoo search engines by submitting your blog to Bing webmaster.
How to Submit Your Blog to Bing and Yahoo Search Engines
1. You need to sign up for Hotmail ID, because most people don’t have one.
2. After signing up, you log in to Bing webmaster too with the Hotmail
3. Enter your website’s URL in the box that shows click on “ADD” button.
4. Now enter your blog or website information as required and click “SAVE” button This is just the first step to submitting your blog to Bing search engines. The later part is how to verify you blog with Bing webmaster tool.
How to Verify Your Blog Ownership
After you have successfully submitted your blog to Bing webmaster tool, three options was given to verify that you’re the owner of the blog. So as a blogger with blogspot, you’ll go for the second option where it requires of you to add Bing Meta tag to your blog template. And this can be done if you are patient enough to follow the steps below.
1. Go to your blog Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML
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