Guest posting leverages your blog to the hilt.
Imagine writing and placing a guest post for a blogger like Darren Rowse at Pro Blogger?
You’d expose your blog and brand to his 300,000 member community. Crazy traffic and list-building potential there.
Highly Recommended: Guest Post- 4 Reasons why you need to start writing it
Standing out enough to land a guestie on a top blog requires you to move into persistent, effective actions.
If you put in the work over months and years you can land on virtually any blog in the world.
I have placed guest posts on Pro Blogger, Positively Positive, The Huffington Post and Life Hack among other famous blogs by following these tips.
1: Write 1000 Words Daily for Practice
This is the simplest tip to become a prolific guest poster on top blogs.
Open a Word document. Write 1000 words daily. Trash the Word document.
Following this simple practice:
● Improves your writing skills
● Increases your writing confidence
● Allows you to find your writing voice
● Helps you to stand out enough to be featured on famous blogs
This is a straightforward, clear tip, which is the most important tip on this list. Unfortunately, most bloggers only write if they have a post to publish, making a huge mistake.
How can you impress top bloggers if you only write when you publish a new post, when I am writing 1000 to 5000 words daily, or more? I hone my skills so I own my skills and my persistent practice lands me guest posts on world-renowned blogs.
2: Build Friendships with Top Bloggers by Serving Them
Serve top bloggers.
Don’t ask top bloggers if you can place guest posts on their blog.
Ask how you can help them.
Be generous.Comment on top blogs effectively, publishing 3-4 paragraph, personalized comments to build friendships.Promote bloggers on social media. Feature bloggers on your blog.
Patiently help successful bloggers to befriend these blogging big dawgs. Some of your blogging buddies – if you persistently follow step #1 – will invite you to guest post on their blogs.
I have only pitched about 5 bloggers out of the 1000 plus guest posts I have placed online. Virtually all guest posting opportunities flowed my way via invites, without me ever reaching out to the blogger to pitch them.
This is attraction marketing in action. Help bloggers. Bloggers help you in return.
3: Follow Top Blogs to Match the Brand Voice
Follow top blogs.
Read the posts.
Get a feel for the specific writing voice.
Match the voice with your guest post.
Talented but lazy researchers fall flat in this department. Ego deludes them into believing they can write the post in their voice and place it. This strategy works okay for less popular blogs but world renowned blogs and brands have a clear, distinctive voice you need to understand and mimic to place a guest post on a top blog.
I read posts from top blogs for 1-2 months before submitting a guest post to said blogs. This ensures that I can match the brand voice, whether compassionate, biting, humorous, or serious.
4: Be Patient
This is not a robotic, linear process.
Follow steps 1-3 over months and years to land guest spots on top blogs.
I had to practice writing daily for years before I became skilled enough and clear enough to land a guest post on the 2.5 million reader community at Positively Positive.
You land on top blogs not by luck, or by some cosmic accident, but by persistently practicing your writing and building friendships with top bloggers.
Most bloggers skip writing practice or networking, which is why most bloggers struggle to land features on top blogs.
Ryan Biddulph also wrote this great article HERE
Your Turn What tips can you add to this list?
About the Author:
Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who’s been featured on Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog at Blogging From Paradise.