Have you been bothered about the issue of your images been stolen? or probably you are a blogger and you’ve noticed that on several occasions your images are been stolen, i have got a solution and a way out for you.
Also read: How to optimize your images for search engines
One of the best and ever useful ways to put away other people from stealing your images is by the application of what we called watermark on it, which eventually could be represented by a logo, text or a copyright inscription.
However, the good aspect of watermark you need to know is that if they are still stealing/ coping your images after adding a watermark, then they are doing you a great deal by expanding and promoting your own work for you, as it will generate more traffic back to your blog
What Does It Mean To Add Watermark To Images?
For those who are just hearing the work watermark for the first time, and who are still doubting on the efficiency of this so called watermark, watermark is a situation in which visual marks are embedded in photos , i.e branding of a product, making other people know that this particular stuffs is from allbloggingcoach
In a nutshell, this watermark is not meant for bloggers or webmasters alone, and which is what makes it very lucrative. Also for those who host their photos or artistry on social networks, bookmarking sites, and sharing sites always take the advantage of the watermark, as though your photo, or work might be stole from where you uploaded them to. So therefore, to prevent others from coping your photos without acknowledging you back, it is paramount you watermark them.
Another great news about watermark, virtually all the photo editing applications can be used for watermarking your photos. I personally, i use corel and photoshop, and an several occasions where i have tried and use these programs for watermarking, i have been contacted back that these programs are very difficult to watermark.
So instead of me continue getting more difficulty on using the programs for watermarking, i sourced and researched for two wonderful websites where i can easily with no difficulty watermark my images.
The two tested and recommended websites to watermark your images are picmarkr.com and watermark.ws. They both have a good interface for use and made easy process. Incase you know or have heard other site where watermarking can also be done easily, don’t hesitate to share it with others via the comment box below
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