I recall being a new blogger.
Equal mixes of joy and dread flooded through my mind.
ALSO READ:4 Tips for Increasing Your Blogging Profits
One minute I visualized myself appearing on Oprah, being interviewed by the billionaire titan. Yep; when I started blogging 10 years ago she still had her wildly popular show.
The next minute I rued investing money in my domain and hosting since I had no clue what in the hell I was doing.
This Jekyll and Hyde act is common among the newbie blogger set, as are the following mistakes.
Identify each error and make the appropriate corrections to cut your newbie learning curve.
1: Paper Chasing
I recall chasing that sweet paper back in the day.
Of course whatever you chase, flees.
This is why most new bloggers struggle to make money blogging; their fear of losing money repels the very money they want to acquire.
Turn things around bucko. Focus on your passion, not profits.
Blog your fun. Make blogging mainly about having fun learning blogging, creating content and building bonds with top bloggers.
Money flows in steadily after you passionately and patiently build a solid blogging foundation based on the content you create and connections you establish.
Ratio; devote like 3% of your attention and energy to exploring income streams. Devote 97% of your attention and energy to learning blogging, creating helpful content and building meaningful connections with top bloggers in your niche.
2: Not Building an Email List
Although you do not need an email list to be a successful blogger it sure don’t hurt.
Imagine people reading your blog posts from the convenience of their email inbox. Post goes live. A ding sound on your phone. You get your Blogging From Paradise fix within seconds after the post publish date.
Convenient deal for bloggers and their readers; 2 way easy street.
Most new bloggers err in believing that since they have no traffic or readers that list-building is not important. Au contraire; the reverse is true. New bloggers drive traffic and gain readers by growing an email list. When you publish new posts you receive instant traffic via folks who get said posts sent to their email inbox.
Do not make the mistake me and most bloggers make as a newbie. Start building your list from Day 1 of your blogging career. Add an opt in form to your sidebar. Use a pop up form if you’d like.
Gain subscribers and grow a blogging community through the convenience of list building.
3: No Networking
Not networking kills new blogger careers.
You cannot create a rocking blog in a cyber cave.
Nor can you be your only reader. Unless you crave writing a cyber diary.
Comment genuinely on top blogs. Craft 2-3 paragraph, personalized, authentic comments.
Share blog posts from your new blogging buddies on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.
Be generous.
Be a friend to become a friend.
Address this most common newbie blogger mistake to run circles around the masses of new bloggers who foolishly try to build thriving blogs through their own effort.
If you want to find and correct any new blogger mistakes you may be making buy my eBook:
10 Disastrous Mistakes Newbie Bloggers Make and How to Fix Them
About the Author
Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who’s been featured on Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog at Blogging From Paradise.
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